TfrxCrossView problem

I'm using FastReport VCL with C++ Builder 6.

I'm trying the fill a TfrxCrossView with the values from a StringGrid but I'm getting an error: EVariantTypeCastError with message 'Could not convert variant of type (String) into type (Double)'

I've been searching the net and the provided FastReport C++ Examples are VERY skimpy.
I a;so had a look at the relevant posts in this forum but that also did not solve my problem.

It seems like the problem arises when I'm trying to add a value to the CrossView that is represented as a string in the StringGrid. The values in the StringGrid reprsented as numericals do not create this problem.

Attached is an example of the stringgrid that I would like to print using the CrossView. If I print only the values from the first two columns it works fine, but when I include the contents of the 3rd column I get this error.

void __fastcall TfrmReportSettings::CreateImageReport(TfrxReportComponent *Sender)
    TfrxCrossView *CrossView = (TfrxCrossView*)frxCrossObject;
    Variant RowIdx, ColIdx, Text;

    CrossView = dynamic_cast <TfrxCrossView *> (Sender);
    if(CrossView == NULL) {return;}

        if (chkIncludeAnnotationsInfo->Checked)
            for (int ColNo = 0; ColNo < ImageForm->AnnotationsInfoGrid->ColCount; ColNo ++)
                for (int RowNo = 1; RowNo < ImageForm->AnnotationsInfoGrid->RowCount - 1; RowNo ++)

                    RowIdx = RowNo;
                    ColIdx = ColNo;
                    Text = ImageForm->AnnotationsInfoGrid->Cells[ColNo][RowNo];
                    CrossView->AddValue(&RowIdx, 1, &ColIdx, 1, &Text, 1);
    catch (...)

I'm out of ideas and really don't know what to do anymore.

Any help will be appreciated

Thank you


  • gpigpi
    edited 9:48PM
    Try to set cells function to None
  • edited 9:48PM
    Awesome stuff! That solved the problem thank you!

    Funny, I was considering doing that , don't know why I didn't try it.
  • edited 9:48PM
    gpi wrote: »
    Try to set cells function to None

    Hello, could you explain me that? Please.
    Peace >

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